Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My Guardian Angel

It's hard to think how life would be like today,
If circumstances could have been a little bit differently.
I know it's for the best, this reason is clear.
The world just wasn't ready for you to come into it yet.
Today I wept in silence until swells of raindrops came gushing down,
And your Father to be came rushing up fast.
Having you so close was such a gift
A gift so precious I will NOT soon forget

The days leading up from then to now have been troublesome
But today especially I have been very distressed knowing it could have
been the day you were born
It seems like just yesterday that you were just inside me, just starting to grow
And suddenly you were gone the next day to the stars above.

Although we have not met face to face yet I know that I will see you in my dreams tonight
And when it is time to come back to me again
We will have a connection so deep it will be like we've known each other forever.

Until that day comes when we meet face to face.
When you look up at me for the first time with your
Baby Blues and cute Rosy Pink cheeks
I will know that you have never really left me,
My Sweet Guardian Angel has been with me the entire time,
Smiling down upon me from somewhere up above, just waiting to return to me again.

*July 15 2009 Due Date for My Guardian Angel(RIP, But I know you will come back to me)*


  1. Katie that's beautiful! I need five of those poems! I finally made a memorial with silk Irises for my five that I've lost. I know exactly how you feel. With my first and longest, I was 3-4 months - my tummy was round and tight, and all other things going on then... but when the pains started I knew all was lost...... that was Day after Easter 2007... I just lost my fifth June 23, 2009.

    Hang in there! You are not alone:



  2. Thank you :) I don't know how you do it, It's hard enough loosing one, I can't imagine the pain you feel, I'm sure it's undescriable :( I appreciate you commenting on this! I am so so sorry for your loss's! I know one day we will be blessed with a baby of our own, even if we are not the ones that get the carry them in the womb. Whether it be serigate mother (don't know how to spell that), or foster care, or adoption, One day we will be able to raise a family! :)

  3. I rely on God and His Son Jesus Christ. Otherwise, I honestly don't know how I do it either ;) I agree with you. That's why we're working on becoming Foster Parents - there are so many of our future that need people like you and me. Can't wait to see you! Click on my name and you'll find my blog too ; )
